Camp Bliss
6150 Camp Fish Rd NW
PO Box 879
Walker, MN 56484
Phone: (218) 547-4004
From the 371 North
- Turn left onto MN-34 E
- Go 2.9 Miles.
- Take a right at the Camp Bliss sign.
- Go 0.5 miles to reach your destination
From the 371 South
- Turn right onto MN-34 W/8th St
- In approx. 2.9 miles turn right at Camp Bliss sign
- In 0.5 miles cross over bridge and follow signs
From US 71
- Turn right onto MN-34 E/1st St E.
- In approx. 8 miles turn left at Camp Bliss sign
- In 0.5 miles cross over bridge and follow signs
Delivery Trucks/ Guests with Trailers etc.
- In Walker take MN Hwy 371 North to 10th St S (Cass Co Rd 12)
- Turn left (by Jimmy’s Family Restaurant)
- Proceed 1.2 miles to 6th Lake Rd NW
- Turn left (Shingobee Town Hall will be on your right)
- Proceed 2.1 miles to Camp Fish Road NW and turn left to reach destination